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Woman Of Purpose Spotlight: Entrepreneur, Stacia A. Davidson

I was thrilled and excited to feature Stacia A. Davidson on Women, Beauty, Purpose And Empowerment. She granted me an exclusive interview that I have shared with you below:

1: Winsome: Tell us a little about who Stacia A. Davidson is and what is your vision/mission:

Stacia: I refer to myself as a "Dream Warrior" as I will fight relentlessly to ensure my dreams are realized.

My ambition is to remain happy. I am happiest when I am pursuing a dream and living a balanced life. I am excited at the possibility of bringing a new idea to life, sharing quality time with the people I love and competing whether in sports or otherwise. Making my brands Yaad Trendz and Natural Icon successful are the dreams that fuel my passion and keep me going.

I am unique because I am enterprising, strong in faith and I can stay positive even in adversity. My unique take on life is that happiness is the journey. As such, I live happily in the present and I am forever grateful. I consider myself innovative and resourceful as I am able to use what I have at my disposal and turn it into something great and usable. I believe that my purpose is to motivate and empower women to live happy fulfilling lives.

2: Winsome: What inspired you to become a designer/entrepreneur?

Stacia: I started creating outfits while at University when I wanted to attend events but just didn't have the money to buy a new outfit. I would transform clothes that I already had and turn them into totally new designs. Necessity is the mother of invention and re-creating and up-cycling clothes fastly became a hobby of mine. It was the positive reviews of friends and onlookers that encouraged me to make a business out of it.

I believe in doing what gives me fulfillment and makes me happy. Also, my father was self-employed so I believe I had already grown with that influence of wanting to have my own business. Besides, I’m a problem solver by nature and that’s really what an entrepreneur does. Entrepreneurs know that behind every frustration is a new product or service.

3: Winsome: What are the biggest challenges you have encountered in pursuit of your dreams and purpose?

Stacia: My biggest challenges were access to capital/raising equity, lack of sufficient and steady income and making ill-informed decisions and mistakes that cost me valuable time and money. The road of a Dream Warrior is also a lonely one. It’s the road less travelled. It’s so much safer to get a job rather than being the one to create jobs for others. One of my biggest challenges initially was keeping my spark and passion alive when it would have been easier to give up. It’s understandably hard for people to keep believing in your dreams when they don’t see any real fruits bearing. Negative and doubtful comments can be harsh and depressing but you really do have to stay positive and fight for your dreams. You have to be that positive force and warrior for yourself. Thankfully, now I have a network of like minded individuals from the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Caribbean that I can call on for support and advice etc. Iron sharpens iron so I’m really grateful for such a network. Also, it’s an ongoing learning process so even though I’ve learned from my earlier bad decisions and mistakes, there’s always so much more to learn.

4: Winsome: How do you maintain focus on your goals and what really keeps you going?

Stacia: Faith in God, Belief in my dreams, supportive network and just the excitement of accomplishing what I set out to do keep me going.

5: Winsome: What advice would you give to women leaders who have gone into business or would like to, but do not know how to take the first step?

Stacia: Just Do it! That’s really my advice. Make sure you are passionate about it then make the decision to do it. Passion begets persistence and persistence begets success. People tend to overthink things and think themselves out of taking the plunge. The excuse is always that it’s too risky or it’s not the right time but anything that you go into without preparation and knowledge is risky and there will never be a right time so one has to just decide to do it then do it. 

When you have decided that you are going to go into business, it’s important that you research the industry or field that you want to go into. Is it overcrowded? Is it profitable? What value are you bringing to the industry? Who are your competitors? What would you be doing differently or better than them? I’ve learned that if you think the competition can do a better job than you then you aren’t properly positioned to exploit your strengths. What’s your angle? Find a way to apply your strengths, talents and passion in a way that no one else is doing or no one else is doing well

6: Winsome: What advice would you give to women who are trying to "connect" with their true purpose in life?

Stacia: I remember reading the Toilet Paper Entrepreneur and the author suggested that if you want to know what your true passion is in life you have to evaluate yourself. Ask yourself what activities bring you the most joy, happiness and satisfaction? What would you volunteer to do simply because of your love for it? What makes you lose track of time, complete tasks almost effortlessly, and come out energized? When you are talking to friends, what is the one subject that you can go on and on about until they are rolling their eyes? The answers to those questions can give some insight to what your true passion(s) are.

7: Winsome: Of spirituality and God, how critical is God in pursuing our goals and life?

Stacia: I believe in living a balanced life and, for me, all pieces of the puzzle must fit together. I must cater to all aspects of my being, that is, the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental. If one area is lacking then there’s an emptiness. My belief in God, prayer and meditation help to fuel my faith and passion to follow my dreams.

8: Winsome: What are 5 final things you need women to remember?

Stacia: The 5 things I would want women to remember come in the form of general life lessons that I’ve learned not just from and for business but from and for relationships:

  • Life is a series of decisions. Don’t be afraid to make the wrong decisions. Failure is not final.
  • Don’t let the fear of rejection stifle your potential/progress.
  • Love is a verb. If you are confused about how he feels for you, it’s because he is confused. If he loves you, you will KNOW by his actions.
  • Forgotten ink is better than the best memory.
  • Love yourself. Take care of yourself.

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Copyright 2013
Winsome Campbell-Green

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