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Woman Of Purpose Spotlight: Author-Marquita Herald


Marquita Herald is a personal growth specialist, small business marketing consultant, and the author of seven books on life by design and the business of being an author. She is also the creator of the award winning personal growth blog, IGG - Tips, Tools & Tantalizing Ideas, and The Business of Being an Author blog.

Her professional background includes a successful 30 year career in international sales and marketing, followed by a decade as a Life and Small Business Coach.

Marquita makes her home in Maui, Hawaii and in her own words: "My mission is to inspire readers to embrace that we are each as powerful as we allow ourselves to be … that we can choose to create our own life experience."

About IGG-Tips, Tool & Tantalizing Ideas

Pick a label – personal growth, personal development, self-help, personal transformation – self directed learning – whatever you choose to call it, the process ultimately boils down to improving some aspect of your life circumstances and feeling of well-being.
We primarily explore three core topics here at IGG … learning to make better choices to intentionally create your best life, developing greater resilience to thrive through life’s inevitable challenges and unexpected detours, and serving a purpose larger than yourself by making a difference in the world around you.
IGG isn’t about “quick fixes” but rather providing tools, strategies and encouragement to …
  • Reach a little beyond what’s comfortable to achieve goals that matter.
  • Refuse to accept simply “getting along” in life out of fear or limiting beliefs.
  • Cultivate the skills to become stronger and more resilient.
  • Learn to master the self-motivation skills that will keep you energized and moving forward.
  • Make the choices that will create the fulfilling life you really want for yourself.
  • Choose happiness, each and every day.
About The Business of Being An Author

The Business of Being an Author blog is intended for writers who desire to make some or all of their living around writing books. This commitment isn’t as simple as making a decision about a job … it’s a lifestyle choice. It takes a lot of time … maybe even years, courage, dedication, planning and perseverance to achieve any level of success as an author, and at times it can be a pretty lonely journey. But it can also be incredibly rewarding.
You’ll find I use the term “author business” regularly, and the reason for that is there really are only two ways to look at this business of writing and publishing books – either it’s your hobby or it’s your business. If you’re prepared to cultivate a business mindset about your writing, then you are definitely in the right place!
My approach to the author business model is likely going to be somewhat different from most others you will come across. The combination of marketing, personal growth and coaching experience in my background means that I focus not just on the nuts and bolts of building an author business – though that is very important – but I also emphasize the intangible. The personal growth and resilience characteristics required while striving to achieve dreams and goals.
In fact, you may notice that I often include butterflies in my themes, and the reason for that is they represent change and growth as in one of my favorite quotes.
ButterflyWe delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the change it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
~Maya Angelou
You should also know I have on occasion (good naturedly) been accused of being something of a “cheerleader” in my writing and coaching, and I’m okay with that. The way I look at it, most people don’t have nearly enough cheerleaders in their life, especially when striving to achieve a dream. So if you’ll allow me, I’d like to be your cheerleader on your journey to grow a successful and sustainable author business.

Interview with Marquita Herald

1: I have often thought that the best writers are the ones who have had the most peaks and valleys in life. Will you share with us some of your peaks and valleys?
Hum, well in my case that would make for quite a roller-coaster ride, but I’ll be happy to share a couple of highlights. On the valley side, I’m an ADOC (adult child of alcoholic) and the experiences growing up with that alone would fill a book. Fast forward through 25 years of marriage and a divorce after my husband suddenly decided he wanted to “drop out” of society, and then 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare degenerative eye disease and was told there was no cure and I would be blind within 6 months.
On the peak side, in another lifetime I did a crazy thing and moved to Maui, Hawaii with no prospects for a job. Proceeded to fake my way into a entry level secretarial job to get my foot in the door of the travel industry (another book length story) and literally worked my way up from the bottom to a high level sales and marketing position and a very successful 30 career that blessed me with the opportunity to travel around the world and back again. And, despite the dire forecast, I never lost my sight because I refused to accept the diagnosis - opted for highly experimental surgery that was so successful, I’m told it’s been written up in journals.
Today I write about personal transformation and how to become more resilient in life, and there are very few things I write about that I haven’t experienced personally.

2: You have accomplished a lot in your life as a writer, travel industry sales professional, and small business coach. Besides writing, what is your career now? 
Writing is my passion and that’s where I invest most of my time. I manage 2 blogs and have written 8 books, with 3 more due out before the end of this year. I still do a bit of small business coaching and mentoring, and I’m developing online courses for personal growth and to help my fellow authors build a business around their writing.

3: What inspired you to become a writer?
I’ve always been more comfortable with the written word than with speaking. To be honest I would have kept that to myself were it not for various employers over the years that took full advantage and assigned me the task of writing everything from training materials to press releases to film scripts. I even co-wrote a Hawaiian cook book for a local fundraiser. No matter what I did I ended up being enlisted to write, so one day I just decided it was time to start taking credit for it and began writing under my own name.

4: What advice would you give to women leaders who have gone into business or would like to, but do not know how to take the first step?

During more than a decade of small business coaching I’ve seen far too many people go into a new venture with the mindset that they’ll just “give it a try” and that really won’t get you very far. Take the time to decide what you reallywant in life, and then go for it with all you’ve got. When you are truly passionate about something you will find a way to make it happen, and once you take that first step, and the next and the next, it really is amazing how doors begin to open.
This is why I teach people how to be more resilient. It’s not that those who have cultivated a survivor mindset don’t experience setbacks and unexpected detours; it’s that they refuse to be defined by them and are always looking for the lessons and opportunity for growth in each experience.

5: If there are one or two sentences that would describe what you would like to impart to your readers, what would it be?

Regardless of age or circumstances, it’s never too late to become the person you are meant to be and create the life you really want for yourself.

6: What advice would you give to women who are trying to "connect" with their true purpose in life?

I know a lot of people really struggle with the “purpose” question. I truly believe purpose is all about using your unique gifts (and we all have them) to make a positive difference in this world. If someone is having a difficult time clarifying their purpose, then they should focus on their passion, because within their passion they will find their purpose. My passion has always been writing; it just took me awhile to determine how to best use that in a way that felt right for me and in the process benefit others.

7. What are 5 final things you need women to remember?
1.    Always challenge yourself to stretch a little beyond what’s comfortable to achieve goals that matter.
2.    True motivation is internal - if you really need to hear that perfect thing to keep you going - you need to say it to yourself and BELIEVE it.
3.    Refuse to accept simply "getting along" in life out of fear or limiting beliefs.
4.    Courage is more important than confidence. Courage is choosing to act in spite of fear.
5.    You have the power to choose happiness, each and every day.

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Thank you for reading!

Copyright 2013 WBPE
Winsome Campbell-Green

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