Profile... Carole Mckee is originally from Pittsburgh, but she has resided in Florida since 2002. Most of her books take place in the Western Pennsylvania area, the place she will always call home. She is a passionate writer, making readers feel the emotions of her characters. Her first novel, "Perfect" brought out so much emotion that she got phone calls from people who were in tears when they finished the book. She has enjoyed many fields in many areas, including being a Keypunch Operator back in the late '60's and early '70's. Carole Mckee became a Nuclear Medicine Technologist and then decided to change fields. Among her many roles , she worked as an Administrative Assistant in a Methadone clinic as well as an office manager for a couple of construction companies, and she worked as a machinist in a metal shop for a little while, just because she had never done that. She did some customer service work, but in her own words: "I was terrible at it. I can't follow a script, because I'm used to writing my own. " When out of work, she signed on with temp agencies and got lots of experience in various fields. In addition to her Nuclear Medicine degree, she has a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and a Masters of Arts in Behavioral Health Sciences with a concentration in School Counseling. She became a member of Chi Sigma Iota in 2008. As a result of severe back pain, Carole Mckee does not work outside her home any more, but she still tutors occasionally. She said, "I love to write and I will continue to write until my fingers fall off-God forbid."
Love, Relationship and Family...In 1969 she married her first husband. She was in love, but that soon wore off when she realized that she couldn't depend on him. She divorced and remarried-from bad to worse! She divorced him and never looked back. Her first marriage produced her beloved children-Terra and Eric. Unfortunately, Eric passed away in 2002 from a terminal bone marrow disease. That is what prompted her to leave Pennsylvania and move to a warmer climate. In her own words: "His death devastated me and I had to get my head on straight." A change of scenery seemed like a good move, and it was. Never once did she regret making that move. Eric left a pregnant wife who gave birth to her grandson,
Eric four and a half months later. Her daughter, Terra is doing well and lives in salt Lake City, Utah. Carole Mckee leads a quiet life in Florida, spending her days answering emails, writing, and spending time with friends.
Angel, her adorable cat, is a constant companion around the house.
Her Charities... Her favorite charities are: The Humane Society of the United States, PETA, and ASPCA, and she partners with The Humane Society of Pinellas County.
Interview With Carole Mckee
1: We know you are a Writer, but who is Carole McKee?
I’m not sure who I am or who I ever wanted to be. I know that as an older person I have accepted myself just the way I am, but when I was younger, I was never happy being me. I’ve worked at several different jobs, excelled at most of them, but never was truly happy doing them. Until I started writing, that is. Writing is my true passion and I should have started many years ago. I lacked the confidence before now. I always thought a writer had to be a college grad, so I went to college, and earned more than one degree, including a Master’s in Behavioral Health Science. Only then did I feel qualified to write.
2: What or who motivated you to write?
Nobody actually motivated me or encouraged me--ever. When my dog died, the person who cremated him suggested I write about him because he was such an extraordinary dog. So I did, and the short story appeared in a dog magazine. Then in college, all the professors and instructors praised my writing ability when I turned in the required papers. I remember my Sociology instructor wrote on my paper when I turned in my autobiography for a final grade, that I had real talent in writing and that I should pursue it, so maybe he is the one who motivated me.
3: When have you been most satisfied in your life?
Right now. I am completely contented and happy.
4: Have you always aspired to be a Writer?
Yes, well, like I mentioned before, I didn’t have any confidence. I always wanted to be a writer, but just felt I couldn’t possibly be good enough. Stories were always just popping into my head, and one day I just said, “I can do this.” And my first novel “Perfect” was born!
5: You have many life experiences. What advice would you give to young mothers, wives, and young women in general?
Oh wow! Young mothers--if you can, stay home with your kids. I never could, and I regret it. Wives--choose wisely before you become a wife. I didn’t, and I regret that. Young women in general? Decide who you are or who you want to be, and be it. Don’t let anybody tell you you’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough. Just remember another person’s words don’t have to be your destiny. I learned that many years too late.
6: In your book Coming Home, which is beautifully written, is it inspired by your own life experiences?
Well, not exactly. I am so against the bullying that goes on in schools. The rumor mills are a form of bullying and they can really destroy a girl’s life. I had seen innocent young girl’s reputations ruined by jealous girls who felt threatened by them--especially if the girl in the rumor was really pretty.
7. You recently launched Consequences, without giving away any spoiler alerts, tell us a bit about it.
“Consequences” is the 4th book of the “Choices” series. It ties up all the loose ends and puts everyone “right” in their world. But the book can be enjoyed without reading the first three. I wrote it because readers asked for it. I just received a very nice letter from a lady who read “Consequences” but didn’t read the first three. She said she loved the book and because she liked my writing would probably go back and buy the other three.
8. What does success mean to Carole McKee?
I sigh here. I certainly don’t believe that wealth is the ultimate success. I live very moderately--a no frills kind of life--but I’m happy. I believe if a person is happy in what he or she does, that’s success.
9. Of spirituality and God, what is your stance?
Well, of course I believe in God. I am of a Christian faith, but I’m not sure I agree with all of their teachings. I believe God is merciful and forgiving and kind, and I don’t believe He would condemn any of His children to a place called Hell.
10. There is a call worldwide for Women to be more empowered, are Women at a disadvantage?
Of course they are at a disadvantage. I have been in the corporate world. I have seen men promoting men, passing over good, intelligent women. It’s the “Boys’ Club” mentality. Too many men in higher positions feel that a person doesn’t have to have much on the ball, he just has to be male. If he plays racquetball or can shoot hoops, all the better. I had a job once where the men took long lunch hours and our male boss gave us women fifteen minutes to go out and grab something to eat and bring it back to eat at our desks while we worked. When the guys were late for work, he covered for them, and docked the women if they were late. Of course, that was rare. We were rarely late.
11. There are people we meet who makes life magical, what principles do you consider relevant to sustaining good, healthy and wholesome relationships with others?
Two things that come to mind are kindness and loyalty. To my friends and family, I am extremely loyal. I’m there for them no matter what. And I have been told that I am very kind. I can’t hurt anybody, verbally or physically. Honesty is important, too. When someone wants an honest opinion from me, they get it, but if my opinion isn’t a good one, I always remember to say something positive along with it.
I live my life believing that we are all brothers And sisters, and we are here for each other. I wish everyone believed it.
12: Are you working on any new projects that your fans can look out for?
Yes, I am. I am working on a series now. I have two done, and I am writing the third book. The first one is at my editor’s. The main characters in this series are Storm Galloway and Kyla Sanford. Lots of stuff going on!
Carole Mckee Books on Amazon:
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